Sexual violence
Sexual violence usually refers to forced physical sexual activity such as physical violence, coercion or rape that is punishable under the Austrian Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, StGB). The belief that sexual violence has to include physical assault is widespread. This corresponds to the narrow definition of violence.
But sexual violence begins far earlier. It covers a spectrum that can range from seemingly harmless forms of violating boundaries to serious forms of violence. This is why we need to use a wider definition of violence.
Good to know
- According to a study by UniSAFE (2022), 3 % of employees and students experience sexual violence (narrow definition) within their institution.
- Sexual violence often starts as a slow process of violating or crossing boundaries.
- Sexual violence has serious implications for the mental and physical health and social wellbeing of people affected and those around them.
Source: Fact Sheet: Sexuelle Belästigung nach dem Gleichbehandlungsgesetz und dem Strafgesetzbuch. Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft. Adaptation for the University of Vienna by the Culture and Equality unit.
Graphic by Marion Wotruba: