
Stalking includes a number of behaviours that can initially resemble attempts to flirt or pursue a romantic relationship. This could include trying to be in physical proximity or close communication with a person or giving them small or generous gifts. Unlike consensual flirting, however, stalking ignores the personal boundaries of the person affected and is experienced as overwhelming and menacing. Those affected feel insecure and often feel forced to make changes to their lifestyle in order to protect themselves. These can range from changing their phone number to moving away.

Good to know

  • Stalking is intimidating and possessive behaviour.
  • Stalking isn’t limited to following someone physically. It can also include making unwanted calls, sending unwanted letters, emails, text or Whatsapp messages, gifts or love letters or publishing personal information and pictures.
  • Stalking is a criminal law offence and falls under “Persistent persecution” (beharrliche Verfolgung).