E-learning course

A light bulb icon next to the text online course u:respect - sexual harassment

This compact online course provides an introduction to gender-based violence and sexual harassment. It is designed to give a quick overview on the subject with definitions, facts & figures, legal information, explanatory videos with experts and more.

The course is specifically tailored to the University of Vienna and includes information on its support services and responsibilities for preventing and handling incidents. It is aimed at all employees and students and has a particular focus on available interventions and executives’ obligations.


  • You can access the Moodle course via u:rise
  • The course has three sections: Learn & recognize – Understand & prevent – Intervene
  • Course duration per section: 20-30 minutes
  • You can pause and resume the course at any time; your progress will be saved
  • There is a quiz at the end of every section as well as a final test
  • You will receive a confirmation of participation after having completed the course successfully

Concept of the course

This e-learning course is brought to you by the Culture & Equality unit. The structure and content of this e-learning course was based on the online course Safe Sport and adapted for the University of Vienna with the support of 100% Sport – Österreichisches Zentrum für Genderkompetenz und Safe Sport.

Logos of the University of Vienna as well as 100% Sport