Making a complaint about a student

If a student is engaging in misconduct, you can contact the following bodies to make a formal complaint:

If a member of staff is engaging in misconduct, please see Making a complaint about staff.

How to make a formal complaint

The nature of a complaint and its consequences depend on the situation and the gravity of the incident/allegation. The following provides an overview of the available procedures.

Possible course of action if a student violates the harassment ban:

If conversations with teaching staff cannot put an end to the harassing or discriminating behaviour or prevent further inappropriate conduct, the following courses of action can be taken: 

  • People experiencing sexual harassment can turn to the Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office. The counselling office provides confidential psycho-social support. Should the person affected choose to make a complaint, the office calls in a lawyer to assist in the preparation of a complaint. They prepare a statement of facts (Sachverhaltsdarstellung) for the respective faculty/centre and deliver it to the management (vice-dean for teaching/deputy head of centre management).
  • On the basis of this statement of facts (Sachverhaltsdarstellung), the vice-dean for teaching/deputy head of centre management will, if necessary, talk to the affected and the accused person separately in order to identify the appropriate course of action.
    Depending on the gravity of the incident/allegation, the following courses of action are available:
    • A discussion to clarify the situation and emphasise the rules, akin to a warning
    • Temporary ban from university premises
    • In serious cases, if there is a permanent or serious threat, the student may be expelled. This decision is taken and set in motion by the Rectorate team (Section 68 (1) sentence 8 UG; Section 20a Statutes of the University of Vienna).
  • It must be ensured that all students involved are able to continue their studies throughout this investigation. Depending on the gravity of the incident/allegation, the directorate of studies will find a specific solution during the complaint procedure to make it possible for both the person experiencing harassment and the person accused of harassment to continue studying.
  • In addition, both students and employees can request an expert opinion from the Equal Treatment Commission (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungskommission).

Possible course of action if a teacher/member of staff violates the harassment ban:

Affected students can either contact the vice-dean for teaching/deputy head of centre management or personnel management (also see Making a complaint about staff).